Not Forgotten is committed to future proofing its legacies in its holdings. This means ensuring they are discoverable long into the future. For that reason we are a registered library. Each legacy produced by Not Forgotten has its own library card.
The purpose of libraries is to make the world’s knowledge more accessible. Not Forgotten is creating a library of human stories saved in legacy products, and for this purpose is a registered library.
In order to maintain our status as a library, we must share information about our holdings and employ a library management system that facilitates global sharing.
We preserve records in a ISO-27001 certified data repository system. This means that Not Forgotten Customers will have a preserved library record which will last generations.
The library records can be viewed here and are and added to WorldCat.
The International Time Capsule Society is dedicated to tracking the world's time capsules to ensure that those that are created are not lost.
The International Time Capsule Society collects and oversees time capsule registrations from all over the world, of all types of time capsules, and has received many thousands of registrations for over 30 years. On receipt of a new registration the ITCS catalogs each time in the Not Forgotten Library Depository and provides public access to the Time Capsule records.
In 2020 through formal deaccession, the physical and digital records of time capsules that Oglethorpe University holds in its possession were permanently transferred to the NotForgotten Library Depository thereby consolidating the registry of time capsules held in the Not Forgotten Library Depository together with those held by Oglethorpe University on behalf of the International Time Capsule society.
All registrations received on hardcopy between 1990-2020 by the Society are currently being mapped and digitized on behalf of ITCS by Not Forgotten by volunteer transcribers, and added to WorldCat.
New registrations can be submitted through the ITCS website.